Monday, November 8, 2021

A Few Packaging Ideas for Cannabis


In the last 20 years, cannabis has grown in popularity among both young and older people.

Every day, new infused products make their way to the retail shelf, requiring brands to create labels and packaging that stand out among their competitors.

Here are a few more things to keep in mind when it comes to labels and packaging cannabis.

Cannabis is appealing to people of all ages who are legally allowed to consume it.

Each year, the cannabis industry expands, resulting in an influx of new goods on dispensary shelves. This expands the market and allows consumers of all legal ages to participate.

Debi Facey, a Toronto-based cannabis content developer with accreditation in food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals, says, "[Cannabis] can be for any age range, all customers across the board."

Due to compliance, current Canadian restrictions only allow for generic designs, according to Facey, underscoring the need for US cannabis brands to understand their target audiences and be open to all design aspects.

Although each generation has its own style of appealing design, that doesn't imply they don't appreciate other inventive ways to cannabis labeling and packaging.

Keep away from stereotypes.

Stereotyping is a vital step that brands should avoid when dealing with their customers.

Cynthia Marts, Digital Marketing Specialist at Cultivera, a leading developer of vertical software solutions for the cannabis supply chain, says, "It's extremely important to realize that generational clichés aren't truths."

Marijuana users come from many walks of life. Therefore is no single design that appeals to everyone. A Baby Boomer who prefers a more pharma brand may like the brightly colored Gen Z design of a product and buy both.

Hash Oil consumers can check some stereotyped boxes, but it does not guarantee they will do so all of the time. Designs for future generations can go beyond the shared characteristics of each age group.

Marts is still going strong. "As a [cannabis] marketer or entrepreneur, you're trying to meet their needs, wants, and interests, and you can't do that by making broad assumptions about what [particular generations] like."

Brands should investigate their target audience to avoid painting everyone with the same brush of assumption-based judgments.

Cannabis Packaging Concepts for Generation Z

In comparison to earlier generations, Gen Z has a distinct experience when it comes to cannabis consumers. This is because cannabis has been legal in some form for many of them their entire lives, and they have a stronger understanding and faith in the product.

Consumers in their early to mid-twenties who can legally purchase cannabis are known as Generation Z. They prefer to use items for fun rather than for medicinal purposes, and they want products with fun, imaginative designs to reflect that.

What Does Packaging Look Like for Generation Z?

The key motivations for Gen Z customers' preference for inhalable over other types are ease of use and popularity. Prerolls, flowers, and vapes are some of the most popular items. Some of the most common packing preferences are as follows:

  • imaginative designs

  • 1mg Clonazepam

  • Colors that are loud and flashy

  • Designs from the past

  • Patterns and shapes with a lot of punch